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blue nurse

A random blog which informs about my life's events, strange insights and the occasion complaint ... if you can handle all that, then maybe we can talk about becoming friends

Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

I am a registered nurse, living in Sydney, about to begin my first year of real work. I grew up around the Pacific and have friends from various parts of the world ... mainly AUS, PNG, & USA. Recently I fell in love with travel and would love to do more. I think it would be awesome to have friends in every country and really get to know the locals therefore having a more indepth experience of the culture than just being an average tourist. I have a passion for education, stopping poverty, caring for the elderly, and the freedom for people to have alternative lifestyles. It would be a mad experience to work with the United Nations, Amnesty International or a likewise organisation to help eliminate poverty - I know, I know, bit of a Bleeding Heart and all that ... but I like it. :)

Thursday, August 17, 2006

It's Friday!!!! Yipee!!

Oh, boy! I am so looking forward to the weekend. I just wanna chill. :)

Now, that I have finished work for a while ... I am straight into major assignments.

And lately it seems I have been reading things wrong ... I thought I had two more weeks before an assignment was due ... no way, it is actually a week. And this week we have Festival of Faith and classes from 9 to 4 everyday!!! Man!! It sucks!

Anyway, I will try not to make this a depressing blog like that last one. :)

Oh, I got the sweetest compliment today. I passed a mate (ok, more like a mate of a mate of a mate - have a lot of them here!) and we did the whole polite "hey, how ya doing" thing. And then he asked me how the assignments were going especially the CV stuff for interviews etc. And I just said "Oh, it is just so scary ... this time next year I will be an RN!!!" To which he just said "Hey, but I can picture you as a great RN!" "Oh, thanks" was the reply and we walked away. And that was it! And yes, I have been told that I will make a great RN before (not trying to sound up myself here!). But I dunno ... it always surprises me when pp who I am not particularly close with comment on stuff like that. It is like wow! what did I do to deserve that? I mean, I have never really been extra nice to this guy ... actually, here at the SAN I am a bit of a quiet, polite, stay in my room, snob ... and I don't think pp (except for Yoie and Kylie) really know how to handle me. So, when they actually stay something "out of the ordinary" like a compliment, it always catches me back. It is nice, tho. And I really do appreciate it ... :D

Oh, YES!! I have finished my proposal for my clinical at a sexual health clinic and a HIV clinic. I haven't gotten approval back or anything ... but I have finished it! I am pretty certain I can go to the HIV clinic but am not so sure about the sexual health clinic ... it has been arranged for it to occur pretty soon ... dunno if I can get approval and insurance in time etc. Oh, well, I guess the worst that can happen is I actually volunteer to get the experience and not actually has credit to my course. Anyway, not going to stress till I know ... and it is far too complicated for my tired poor mind to explain properly at the moment Sorry. :(

Oh, I finished reading Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry again. That book always always get to me. It is so sad but so bloody good. I love it!!! I struggle to understand how pp can tend others so differently based on the colour of their skin. I guess I am lucky in a way that I am white (as I don't get discriminated against) but it also means I can't fully relate to those who do get discriminated against. What does it matter if someone is black, white, purple or pink? Stop focusing on that ... look more on what you can learn from that person and they you! Different cultures are cool! They teach you so much more about the people around you and about yourself!

Anyway, expect me to get on a highhorse about this in the next little while. I am reading a book called The Poisonwood Bible ... about missionaries from 1920s (?) that go to the Congo to teach "the tribes of Ham" the "Word of God". I was given this book as a birthday present (yep, still haven't gotten around to reading it!!). It is interesting but I am only a couple of chapters in. One thing I do like is the style of the book ... each chapter is a different person (either the mother or one of the four daughters) who describe how their "fire and brimstone Baptist preacher" father believe it is his calling to "save" these "strange African tribes". One of the girls has only half a brain ... due to loss of blood that was taken by her twin while they were in the womb. Anyway, everyone basically ignores her and doesn't think she is that great. But she is awesome. She has trouble talking so pp think she is dumb but inside her head (which the reader gets to see because she is narratoring) she thinks of things and is really smart ... maths, poetry etc. It is awesome!! Anyway ... the book is interesting is all I can say.

Oh, I watched "American Beauty" the other night. Oh, that movie gets me everytime as well. I love Kevin Spacy!! What an awesome actor!! I liked some of the camera work as well ... repeating a 5 secs camera shoot a couple of times really does bulid the suspence (if that is right word to describe it) or to make the viewer pay closer attention to the camera shoot. And just thinking about the story line ... (hope i won't be ruining it for anyone!) ... a middle aged man is "sedated" about life and he get woken up ... by a sexy girlfriend of his teenage daughter (yeah, I know that does sound disgusting and it is but as the movie goes along it actually does get better). What I thought was interesting is: SEX (or the idea of sex etc.) was strong enough to wake someone up who is numb to life. Does that mean that sex and the idea of sex and the attractiveness we have towards something that is sexy etc. is our strongest desire ... or the desire that is most easily aroused ... or it is something that we long for ... or what? Sex is powerful ... it explains why it sells so well. But the concept that sex could wake someone to life again is cool ... esp. the fact that when he wakes up to life, he realises there is more to life than just sex. It would be extremely sad if he thought that sex was it! Anyway, I love that movie.

Something else that got me thinking was how pp say that when you die your life flashes before your eyes ... and you see the highlights (I guess). I just got thinking if I could flash great moments from my life what would they be (not that I am plannin on dying anytime soon but you know what i mean ...)

And here is a list just off the cuff:
- Dusty, our dog at Sonoma
- the school playing ground in NZ
- takeaway chips wrapped in newspaper
- going down to the river when it was the dry season and there was a drought and filling big drums with water to take home to use as washing water, use to wash our clothes and flush the toilet - also washing in the river - the little kids from the local village would come down too and pull at my hair which would float on the water - it amazed them ... sometimes I loved the attention ... other times I hated it ... either way there wasn't much I could do about it!!
- pictures of all my awesome friends - PNG, Mel, Sydney, Avondale, family
- laying on my back under the Sharona Tree
- falling asleep in the car
- curling up in a chair with hot milo and either a good book or having a good chat with my mum
- going on long walks with my dad around the campus or across Sydney
- second hand bookshops
- cooked "Fat Finger" bananas when thou I knew I would need the toilet a lot afterwards!!! :D
- Kau Kau (pronouced Cow Cow) (sweet potato) cooked in the Mu Mu (pronounced Moo Moo) (like an underground oven or as New Zealanders would cook it - a Honey)
- pumkin pie
- Kristin's cookies
- my eggplant car
- my brother's wedding - and the weeks and fun that happened before, during and after it!
- hugs from great pp: Mum, Dad, Chris, Bonnie, Brandon, Kylie Anne, Kristin, Katrina, Nan, Becky, Grandma, Rin, Simon, Eli, Michael, Mama J, Miriam, Donny, Bruce and so many more
- my nieces and nephrews!!! :D
- cool bricks on a hot day
- learning how to husk a coconut (not very good, I might add)
- Yr 12 Formal, Dinner, and Grad - dressin up, Ollie, crying, losing my voice, yr books, getting compliments from classmates
- Lilydale Church and Sabbath School
- Yr 10 play - was the back up for the main part but didn't get to do it on the night! :(
- hiking trips - "This Mars Bar looks so good in this light" and other random fun stuff
- singing with Miss Woods
- kissing the ground at Cairns airport when I moved back to Oz
- my first mini rollar coaster experience ... at Universal Studios in USA!!
- going with Dad and Chris up to the dangerous Highlands to check up on his students on prac ... getting sunburnt in the tray of a ute, almost getting attacked, having bars over all the windows of the car, seeing the hugest pig in the market, going to the market (what where we thinking - so bloody dangerous!!)
- crossing three rivers to visit the Adventist Highschool .. and only one of htem had a bridge (PNG again)
- eating pasta with my family - laughing so hard we (ok, I mean me ... they gang up on me!) have to run to the kitchen sink or else what is in my mouth will soon be on the table!! :D
- going on a roadtrip with Bon and Brandon to the Great Ocean Road - screaming at the beach, listening to trance music, losing the car ????, trusting Jesus
- going on a trip with Brandon around the east coast of Australia - "I am having so much fun .. I just wanna push you in!" :D
- talking on the phone for ages to random pp - Katrina, Brandon, Perry, James, Bonnie, Jess, Becky, Mike, Daniel, and other cool pp.
- giving and receiving compliments from close and not so close pp
- my first real public transport bus trip by myself
- Miriam - cooking with her, cleaning with her, shopping with her, hanging with her, having a friend in her
- going to Philip Island and seeing little penguins
- ringing up the guy that I have liked for the previous year and asking him to be my date for a banquet ... even tho we had only met once and he didn't really know who I was
!!!! (it was a long time ago but what an adrenline rush!)
- seeing a brain
- Watson Foyer - flirting, eating, hanging out, promising Daniel I. hot sex for favours :D
- The blue nurses and toy boys
- Kylie Anne - putting up with my obsessions, random requests for hugs, and being so cool
- random pts who speak highly of me
- the beautiful sunsets in PNG
- refugees staying at our house when a couple of vocanoes went off and destroyed the town - they come in truckloads and we converted the library into a hospital, and classrooms into houses, and had roughly 7 different worship services for the major religions that were there. We ate rice for almost three months straight. We hunted in the bush land for more root veges, coconuts and greens. A huge scary looking man with dreadlocks come to stay with his family, with us, and he spoke no English and only grunted ... bit scary but he was the sweetie man who looked after Chris and I like we were his own. It was great for a 11 yr old kid! :D
- Going to school with my grandpa on his scooter - I thought I was so cool!!
- thunderstorms
- walking up and down Lilydale Rd with Bec - some really cool discussions occured
- writing skits for Lilydale Sabbath School
- eating in the library
- bus rally into the city and eating lemon ice cream
- playing Fight
- dancing - in my room, in the girls dorm at Sonoma, with Miriam, with Chris and Kristin, with friends from Avondale and at the wedding
- catching Kristin's flowers and all the fun that surrounded :D
- getting my hair dyed black
- staying in nursing
- Sabbath
- my old cell group at Lilydale :( I miss it so much
- wrestling with Chris ... even tho he always wins!!!
- The Bold and the Prayerful ... one of my earliest memories of really feeling the Holy Spirit move
- running across the oval at LAA and looking out over the view
- Lilydale lake
- the Mission Hostel
- staying up all night with Dieter and Brandon: taking fucky photos, sitting with a "rat" on the swinging bridge, staying up for the sunrise, "getting married"
- staying up all night with Becky and Michael: watching cool short film clips, watching COUPLING (the greatest TV show ever!!!), being able to be in a conversation and then just roll over and know exactly where the show is up to - I think it is a true sign of me watching it far TOO much, just chilling :D
- visiting Avondale on weekends
- visting homes ... they are so cool ... I miss them while in dorm
- ice-cream on a hot day
- running along the beach
- spending hours in front of computer writing blogs!!!

I think I could go on for a while ... making them to be a bit more than just flashes from the past!! Oh, well, I should stop ... my fingers are getting tired from typing and my butt is sore from sitting. :p

Hope this blog wasn't too depressing. :D Have an awesome Sabbath!!! :D


Blogger Brandon said...

Sex isn't the only motivating force to jolt people out of numbness... Think about Garden State - just contact with a truly alive person can change you. Travel can wake you up... There are a lot of things in my opinion and different personality types are "woken" in different ways.

Interesting observations and definately not a depressing blog :)

11:36 PM  

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